Thursday, January 15, 2009

Things I can't wait to buy in Disney World: Part 1

So, I have decided to start a sub series in my Blog. If you know me at all, you know that I am a big Disneyana collector. I collect everything from PINS to Walt Disney Classics Collection pieces. Suffice to say, going to Disney World isn't just a trip to my favorite place on earth, but also a big shopping trip. Starting with this blog, anytime I see something that is only available at the parks that I will want to buy, I'm going to mention it. That way not only you will get to know me more, but it will also be an on-going shopping list for me.

First up are the new Disney Vinylmation pieces.

Disney teased about these items last summer and also sold pins in a lead up to the introduction. I've been following the designer toy craze lately and even have a small collection of Kidrobot Dunny's and Monster Factory plush. Obviously the Vinylmation pieces have piqued my interest. Now I have to try and find out how I can order a case of them and pick them up when I'm there instead of having them shipped.....


Found some more pictures of first series. I particularly like the Disney Cruise Line exclusive:
Thanks to Plastic and Plush for the picture.

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